Home SkinAcne Omega 3 and Acne: A Comprehensive Guide
Omega 3 and Acne

Omega 3 and Acne: A Comprehensive Guide

by Dr.Bahman Sotoodian
The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more

This comprehensive guide explores the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and acne. Omega-3s are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their ability to regulate oil production; they benefit both skin and overall health. You’ll also find a list of powerful natural sources of omega-3. Before adding this superfood to your diet, consult your healthcare provider—whether you’re in Canada or not.

What is Omega 3?

Omega-3 fatty acids are vital nutrients for the body because they are polyunsaturated fats that play important roles in cell membranes and cell structure. The body cannot produce enough omega-3s for survival, so they must be obtained through food. They are concentrated in cells of the eyes and brain, making them essential for overall cell function. There are three primary types of omega-3 fatty acids:

  • EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid). EPA is known as “marine omega-3” because it is found in fish.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA. Fish contain the marine omega-3 DHA.
  • Alpha-Linolenic Acid, or ALA. Omega-3 is found in plants as ALA.

When you eat ALA, your body first converts it to EPA and then DHA. Nevertheless, this process produces relatively little EPA and DHA. Fish and other dietary sources of DHA and EPA are therefore essential.

Natural Omega-3 Sources

Certain foods are naturally omega-3 fortified, whereas others are not. Consuming a variety of foods will provide you with sufficient omega-3s. Some of these foods include the following:

  • Fish and shellfish, particularly cold-water species high in fat such as tuna, herring, mackerel, and sardines.
  • Nuts and seeds, such as walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseed
  • Plant oils, such as canola, soybean, and flaxseed oils
  • Foods that have been fortified (such as particular brands of milk, juices, yogurt, eggs, and soy beverages, as well as baby formulas.
Natural Omega-3 Sources
To take advantage of omega 3 skin benefits, incorporate natural omega-3 sources into your diet.

Advantages of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Health

In addition to heart disease, omega-3 fatty acids may help with numerous other ailments, such as:

  • Lower blood pressure: Omega-3 fatty acids lower blood pressure by enhancing blood vessel dilatation and flow.
  • Improve brain cell function and prevent Alzheimer’s disease: Fish oil’s omega-3 fatty acids support brain health, enhance memory, and fend off Alzheimer’s. 
  • Help diabetic patients control their blood sugar levels: Patients with type 2 diabetes, especially obese adults, can greatly benefit from improved blood sugar control thanks to fish oil, which contains EPA fatty acids.
  • Relieve migraine pain: Because omega 3 has a high EPA content, it can influence serotonin secretion and prostaglandin conversion, which can lessen migraine pain.
  • Reduce asthma symptoms: By lowering the inflammatory chemical leukotriene, which is the main cause of asthma, omega-3 can help lessen the symptoms of asthma.

Omega-3 Skin Benefits

Research on omega-3 skin benefits demonstrates promising results for skin health. Below, we go through some of the most prevalent Omega-3 benefits for skin health:

1. Inflammation Reduction

The body’s normal response to foreign agents and injuries is inflammation. Still, chronic inflammation can harm organs and healthy cells including those of the skin. Studies indicate omega-3 fats have anti-inflammatory effects and might help with inflammatory skin disorders including atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

2. Minimize Acne

Increased sebum production brought on by inflammation can cause pores to clog and pimples to develop. Omega-3 fats have been demonstrated to control oil output in the skin. They also quiet inflammation in the endocrine system as well as all around the body. Particularly with regard to changes in sex hormones and insulin-like growth factor, this helps control possible hormonal imbalances causing acne.

3. Minimize Hyperpigmentation and Wrinkles

Among the several reasons skin ages are UV radiation, inflammation, and collagen loss. Omega-3 fats help slow down aging signs by lowering inflammation and so reducing the harmful effects of UV radiation.

Omega-3 Skin Benefits
Omega-3 Skin Benefits: Minimizes Wrinkle and Hyperpigmentation

Omega-3 fats may also boost the most plentiful protein in the skin, collagen, production. Increased skin elasticity and less appearance of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and other skin aging symptoms follow from more collagen.

4. Get Dry and Itchy Skin Under Control

Dry, scaly, and itchy skin can all arise from inflammation and UV radiation. Omega-3 fats’ anti-inflammatory and photoprotective qualities help to strengthen the skin barrier, boost hydration, and calm red irritated skin.

5. Guard against UV harm

Some omega-3 fatty acid metabolites stop sunburn and swelling by reducing the inflammatory response started by UV radiation. Omega-3 fats also boost the synthesis of ceramides, which build the skin barrier and so enhance hydration and skin barrier performance. A stronger skin barrier helps to lower UV damage by means of prevention.

6. Might Help Lower Skin Cancer Risk

The primary driver of skin cancer is UV radiation. Omega-3 fats reduce UV damage by enhancing the skin barrier and lowering inflammation.

Studies point to dietary omega-3 fats possibly lowering tumor growth and spread by suppressing cancerous changes brought on by UV radiation.

Omega 3 and Acne: The Connection

Studies on the link between acne and fish oil supplements, fish, and other forms of omega-3 are still lacking even if some have had encouraging findings. This is the reason there are no set guidelines for using omega-3s in acne treatment.

Nonetheless, since acne is linked to inflammation, anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids are thought to either prevent or treat it. Although some research shows omega-3 supplements help with acne severity, others produce conflicting findings. 

Starting with eating more fish will help you if you have acne and wish to boost your omega-3 intake. Try to consume eight ounces (227 grams) of seafood minimum weekly. Especially excellent sources of omega-3s are salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines.

acne and omega 3
The connection between acne and omega 3

The bottom line is that more study is needed on the link between omega-3 and acne; nevertheless, seeing a dermatologist for your particular acne case is advised. For quicker decisions and easier access, you might check an online acne dermatology service in Canada.

Final Thoughts

The intriguing relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and acne provides insight into the health of the skin.  Omega-3 fatty acids have been demonstrated in studies to help lower inflammation and enhance the general appearance of skin. Eating foods high in omega-3s, like fish and flaxseed, can help control acne and encourage clear skin.

For the best results, chat with a dermatologist or healthcare provider, no matter whether you’re in Canada or elsewhere on the globe. Adding foods like walnuts, flaxseeds, and fatty fish to your diet can help.


1. Can omega-3 help with cystic acne?

Absolutely! Omega-3’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the severity of cystic acne. It calms the skin and reduces redness; it’s quite effective​​​​.

2. Are there any side effects of taking omega-3 supplements?

Omega-3 supplements are generally safe. However, some folks might experience minor side effects like an upset stomach or a fishy aftertaste. Always best to consult with your healthcare provider first​​.

3. Can vegetarians get enough omega-3 for acne treatment?

Yes, they can. Vegetarians have great options like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and algae supplements. These sources are rich in omega-3​​​​.

4. How long does it take to see results from omega 3 for acne?

Results vary. Some people notice improvements within a few weeks; others might take a few months. Consistency is key​​.

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