Home SkinAcne Managing Adult Acne: Expert Advice
Adult Acne

Managing Adult Acne: Expert Advice

by Dr.Bahman Sotoodian
The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more

Unraveling the complexities of adult acne, this guide explores its causes, treatments, and preventive measures. From hormonal fluctuations to stress triggers and dietary influences, we uncover the roots of adult acne. Discover effective treatment modalities, lifestyle adjustments, and skincare practices to manage outbreaks and prevent scarring. Empower yourself with expert advice and research-backed insights to navigate the world of adult acne effectively.

What Causes Adult Acne?

The occurrence of adult acne, or acne adulte, is not random; it’s the result of a combination of several contributing factors. These can range from hormonal fluctuations and stress to dietary habits:

  • Hormonal Changes: Acne outbreaks can be brought on by changes in hormones, especially those involving androgens. Due to hormonal changes during these times, women may experience flare-ups of acne during their menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause.
  • Stress: Excessive stress can make acne worse. Stress causes the body to release cortisol, a hormone that can cause acne by increasing the amount of oil produced in the skin.
  • Diet: Some foods, particularly those heavy in dairy and sugar, may aggravate acne. Studies indicate a connection between skin health and diet, with dairy products and high-glycemic diets aggravating acne.

How to Treat Adult Acne

Treating adult acne involves a combination of over-the-counter products, prescription medications, and lifestyle modifications:

  • Topical Treatments: Benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid-containing over-the-counter medications can help lessen acne. These components function by decreasing inflammation and clearing clogged pores.
  • Prescription Drugs: Dermatologists may recommend harsher topical treatments or oral drugs for patients with severe or chronic acne. These acne prescriptions could include retinoids, antibiotics, or, in certain situations, hormonal drugs like spironolactone or oral contraceptives.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: In addition to medical therapies, a healthy lifestyle can help manage acne. This entails keeping up a healthy diet, working exercise frequently, getting enough sleep, and adhering to a regular skincare regimen.
Topical treatment for adult acne 
Topical Treatments can help with adult acne.

How to Prevent Adult Acne

Preventing adult acne involves a combination of good skin care practices and healthy lifestyle habits:

  • Frequent Cleaning: You may avoid pore congestion by washing your face twice a day with a mild cleanser to help get rid of extra oil and dead skin cells.
  • Healthy Diet: Eating a well-balanced diet high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats can help maintain good skin. Steering clear of dairy and high-glycemic foods may also help avoid acne.
  • Proper Hydration: Drinking plenty of water can help detoxify your body and keep your skin hydrated. Hydrated skin is less likely to produce excess oil, a common cause of acne.
  • Avoid Touching Your Face: Our hands come into contact with many surfaces throughout the day and can accumulate bacteria and dirt. By avoiding touching your face, you can prevent these impurities from clogging your pores and causing acne.

How can I prevent scarring from acne?

Preventing acne scars is a multi-faceted process that includes early intervention, diligent skincare, and lifestyle adjustments. Let’s explore these strategies in more detail:

  • Treat Acne Early: Getting your acne under control with the right medication is the first step in avoiding scarring1. There is less chance of skin injury or scarring the earlier you start safe and efficient treatment.
  • Apply Spot Treatments: Use a spot treatment as soon as you notice a pimple starting to appear. Benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or salicylic acid are the three main substances that combat acne in the majority of them.
  • For Cystic Acne, See Your Dermatologist: If your acne is cystic (pimples that persist under the skin without ever turning white on top), ask your dermatologist about receiving a cortisone injection. The steroid drug cortisone will significantly lessen inflammation and lower the likelihood of scarring.
  • Keep Wounds Moist: Moisturizing a wound might aid in avoiding scarring. Apply petroleum jelly to your wound and cover it with bandages to allow it to heal.
  • Avoid Using Harsh Skincare Products and Aggressive Scrubbing: Blackheads and non-inflammatory breakouts are less likely to cause scars than large, inflammatory acne lesions. Always aim to reduce inflammation and stay away from actions that could aggravate your skin even more.
How to treat adult acne
Avoid Aggressive Scrubbing and Harsh Skincare Products

Keep in mind that everyone’s skin is unique, so what works for one person may not work for another. As a result, it is critical to get assistance from a dermatologist or skincare professional to determine the best treatment method for your unique requirements.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the complexities of adult acne requires a comprehensive understanding of its causes, effective treatment strategies, and preventive measures. Factors such as hormonal changes, stress, and diet can contribute to its occurrence. Treatment options range from over-the-counter products and prescription medications to lifestyle modifications. Preventing acne scars is a crucial aspect of managing adult acne, requiring early intervention, diligent skincare, and lifestyle adjustments. It’s important to remember that everyone’s skin is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Consulting with a dermatologist or skincare professional is always advisable. With patience, persistence, and the right approach, managing adult acne becomes a manageable task, paving the way towards clearer skin.


1. Can makeup cause adult acne?

Yes, certain types of makeup can clog pores and lead to breakouts. It’s best to use non-comedogenic products. Therefore, always check the label before purchasing makeup products.

2. Does drinking water help with adult acne?

While staying hydrated is important for overall health, there’s no direct link between water consumption and acne reduction. However, water helps in maintaining overall skin health.

3. Can adult acne be cured permanently?

While there’s no definitive cure for adult acne, it can be effectively managed with the right treatment and skincare routine. Consistency and patience are key in managing adult acne effectively.

4. Is adult acne common?

Yes, adult acne is quite common. It affects many people in their 20s, 30s, and even beyond. Despite its prevalence, effective treatments and management strategies are available.

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